Free Coat From Athleta

Free coat. Free athleisure pants. All of these closet additions came from Athleta.

Now that I got your attention, I’ll tell you how to get the same deal.

By cleaning out my closet and bagging up my items to send to ThredUP, I earned store credit to spend at Athleta. Thredup is a consignment service that resells your items and pays you a commission on those items. You can choose to get a cash payout or, work through one of the Gap affiliates: Athleta, Gap, or Banana Republic. You’ll receive a 15% higher payout in gift cards vs cash, per the website.

Here’s how it works:

  • Grab a closet-cleanout bag from one of the Gap affiliate stores or request one online.
  • Fill the bag with unwanted clothing items in clean and good condition.
  • Register the prepaid postage sticker on the bag through email and drop off at the post office for shipping.
ohsofancyfrancie thredup
Good for a lot of reasons.

That’s it. You will get an email confirmation when the bag is received and a few weeks later, another email with a gift card amount to spend at your chosen store. Any items that can’t be sold are either donated or recycled, zero waste.

I’ve always selected Athleta because I love the Brooklyn pant for travel or running errands. This winter, I invested in two winter coats, one for really cold events like football games or trips to the snow. The other coat, I’ll wear to run errands or to the movies or some casual event.

I actually posted about this opportunity months ago. Since I was just getting started with ohsofancyfrancie, I don’t think it made the impact. In talking with my friends, I could tell they somehow missed the post or it didn’t seem meaningful at the time. One friend was moving out of state. She couldn’t bear the thought of watching her clothes go for a few dollars at a neighborhood garage sale. Since she was moving in a hurry, the ThredUp bags made the move easy and quick.

Another friend was shopping with me when I picked out my free coats.

“Wait! How are you getting those coats for free?” A month later, she earned $60 for her first bag!

When you know you can make money cleaning out your closet, it’s a lot more motivating to do a tedious task. With dreary weather out there, it’s even more motivating to stay indoors and pull out all those things you just aren’t wearing or rarely wear.

For the higher-end items, you can make a little more money at your local consignment stores. It takes a little longer, but it’s a nice surprise when that payout check arrives. My friend Maureen, owner of ReChic, says it’s best to just get rid of things instead of holding on to something for years. The quicker you get it out of your closet, the more money you can make on consignment.

ohsofancyfrancie rechic
A classy consignment store that feels like a first-hand boutique.

Technically, I got the Sam Edelman boots I’m wearing in the photo for free, using the money I earned from reChic. The boots are weatherproof, comfy, and cool. They are hard to get, Nordstrom is sold out.  Head to Amazon instead. Link here.

ohsofancyfrancie atheta coat sam edelman boots
Free coat and boots!

Make a closet-cleanout one of your goals for 2022. In fact, put down a closet clean-out in your calendar with each new season, or at least spring and fall.

Closet Clean-out Pay$

Money is inside your closet right now, possibly lots of it. It’s just hanging out, not doing anything. Never going anywhere. Taking up valuable space.

Hidden in plain sight, are clothes that never make the regular rotation. You can make money by sending them to consignment and there are two easy ways to go about it.

Consignment stores have upped their game over the years. If you do your research, you can find one that is full service and doesn’t make you feel uncomfortable when you bring in a haul. One I like is in my own backyard:  ReChic. Maureen, the store owner, likes to think of herself as a consultant; she helps people determine what’s best to sell with ReChic versus another consignment option. She’ll even work with photographs if you are pressed for time and want to be sure it’s worth the trip. Whatever doesn’t sell, can be donated. You can get a tax receipt through the store’s customer portal.

ohsofancyfrancie rechic
A classy consignment store that feels like a first-hand clothing boutique.

Her biggest piece of advice when doing a closet clean-out is, “Get rid of it sooner than later. The longer you wait, the less valuable it will be to a consignment store.”

ThredUp is the second way to purge your closet fast. A closet clean-out kit offers large bags with prepaid postage that you can stuff with clothes in good, clean condition. You can pick up a kit online or in-store. After registering your bag online with your email, drop it off at the post office.  You’ll receive payment in 4 to 6 weeks depending on backlogs. Anything that can’t be resold, is donated or recycled.

Another plus for ThredUp, they partnered up with The Gap and offer payment in gift cards to The Gap, Banana Republic or Athleta. I like Athleta as I’m a fan of their Brooklyn pants, perfect for travel or looking stylish and being comfortable running errands. Per the website, the payout is 15% higher through an affiliate and to me, that’s the only way to go with this service.

ohsofancyfrancie thredup
Good for a lot of reasons.

For the greatest payback, do both. Use your local consignment store for newer and in-season items, hung and pressed. The rest can go to ThredUp. In fact, bring a Thredup bag to the sorting process at the consignment store. Any unsellable items can go straight into the clean-out bag and dropped off at the post office on the way home.

What are you waiting for?